Monday, January 23, 2017

Calendar Change, Half Way Through The Year, & More

The MS and HS blogs are identical this month.

Change in the School Calendar and Roll-Out of Online Lessons
On February 13, CCS teachers will have an in-service day and students will not report to school. However, it will not be a day off. We will be rolling out our online lesson program for high school and middle school. Students will have online lessons to complete for each of their core courses. They will find those lessons on Google Classroom and will complete them and turn them in that day. If we were to have a snow day before February 13, it would just be a regular snow day, and no online work would be assigned to students.

The School Year is Half Over
January 24 marks the midway point of the 2nd trimester as well as the midway point of the school year. (Yes, it is flying by.) If you have not been checking your child’s grades on RenWeb, I encourage you to do so. If you have any concerns, please contact the teacher so that you may work together for your child’s success. Also, remember you should be able to see what your child is studying in each class as well as his/her homework under Lesson Plan in RenWeb.

Re-enrollment/Enrollment for Next Year to Begin Soon
The middle of February begins re-enrollment/enrollment for the 2017-2018 school year, and our first all-school open house is on February 15. Our admissions department will be sending out more information shortly. If you have friends or family who may be interested in Christian education for their children, let them know about Conestoga Christian and the upcoming open house. You can find out more about admissions and our open houses at

An Appearance Code Reminder
T-shirts and tops with logos, pictures, etc. on them are a staple in the wardrobe of many middle and high school students. As always, we want to honor Christ in all that we say or do and take into account our testimony to both believers and unbelievers. With that in mind our appearance code states the following:

Logos and wording that go against the school’s philosophy, such as cartoons, pictures, slogans, and music groups, are not permitted. References to alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, military activity, or camouflage of any color are unacceptable.

Upcoming Events
Below are some dates and events to remember. Further information will follow in future blogs and The Cougar Update.

February 9 - All-School Pastors’ Luncheon
February 11 - TSA Regionals
February 13 - Teacher In-Service Day - No School, Online Lesson Assignments for MS & HS
February 15 - All-School Open House - 8:15 a.m.
February 20 - Presidents’ Day - No School
February 21 - Instrumental Recital

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