MS and HS blogs are the same so you only need to read one if you have children at both levels.
Tonight is the opening of CCS’ production of You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown. Performances are tonight at 7 p.m., Friday night at 7 p.m., and Saturday afternoon at 3 p.m. The cast and crew have been working hard in preparation for the performance. Come on out and bring the whole family for a night of fun entertainment.
Moms in Prayer
Moms in Prayer is a group of 2 or more women who meet regularly to intercede on behalf of children and schools through prayer. CCS mom Julie Allan would love to start a group here at CCS. Are you willing to pray for the children and staff at CCS? You don't need to be eloquent in prayer (or even audible), just committed to prayer! It would be so helpful if you would take a minute to fill out this quick survey to help us figure out the best time to hold the group time. Go to to take the survey. Thank you!
For grades 8-11, we are in the process of scheduling classes for next year. I am scheduling the 8th grade, and Mr. Greenly is scheduling the 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students. If you have questions or would like to set up an appointment to discuss your child’s schedule, please contact us.
Below is information on final assessments. Students in grades 9-11 need to turn in permission slips to leave early on finals days. So far, I have only received one form. There is a link below to the form. Please get those forms to me by May 27.
Below are some of the major events occurring in the upcoming days and weeks, including information on final assessments:
- The MS/HS musical this year is You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown and will be held May 19-21.
- Our annual Athletic Banquet is on Tuesday, May 24, at 5:45 p.m. at Shady Maple Banquet Facilities.
- On Wednesday, May 25, HS and MS academic awards will be presented during chapel. Parents are invited to attend. Chapel is from 8:20 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
- On June 3 our band and IHL are traveling to Hershey Park to compete and perform at Music in the Park. Students will be gone from school all day.
- Final assessments are May 31 - June 3.
- Freshmen, sophomores, and juniors are expected to be in school all morning during end-of-the-year assessments.
- Students in grades 9-11 may leave after final assessments have ended each day (Tuesday - 1:15 p.m.; Wednesday and Thursday - 11:20 a.m.; Friday - 9:55 a.m.) If a student has no final assessment 5th period on Friday, he/she does not need to attend school, and the absence will be excused. Students who do not have a way home will stay for the day and will have a supervised study hall. A permission slip to leave early was emailed to students. See the link below for the early dismissal permission slip.
- During assessment periods, seniors only need to be on campus when they have assessments. Seniors who are exempt from assessments or who do not have a scheduled assessment during an assessment period do not need to be on campus during that assessment. They do, however, need to sign in and out as they come and go for their assessments.
- Seniors may be exempt from a final assessment in a class in which they have a cumulative average of 95% or higher.
- Below is the Final Assessments Schedule:
- Grade 9-11 Final Assessments Early Dismissal Permission Slip click here
HS Final Assessment Schedule 2016
Grades 9-12
11:50 - 1:13
May 31
Period 1 Final Assessment
Period 3 Final Assessment
Period 6 Final Assessment
June 1
Period 8 Final Assessment
Period 7 Final Assessment
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June 2
Period 2 Final Assessment
Period 4 Final Assessment
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June 3
Period 5 Final Assessment
MS Final Assessment Schedule 2016
Grade 8
Grade 8
May 31
Period 1 Final Assessment
Period 3 Final Assessment
June 1
Period 5 Final Assessment
Classes Gr. 6-8
June 2
Period 2 Final Assessment
Period 4 Final Assessment
6th & 7th grade students will have classes during these days.
- June Term - June 6-8
- MS Activities - June 6-8
- Senior Trip - June 6-9
- All School Field Day - June 9
- Last Day of School - June 9
- Graduation - June 10; no school
As always, if you have any questions, please contact the school.