Grade 9-11 Final Assessment Early Dismissal Permission Slip click here
The weather has finally broken, and the days of winter are behind us. In fact we are starting to use our air conditioners to make sure students have a comfortable learning environment. If it gets much warmer, we may have to turn on the new air conditioning in our gym.
The weather has finally broken, and the days of winter are behind us. In fact we are starting to use our air conditioners to make sure students have a comfortable learning environment. If it gets much warmer, we may have to turn on the new air conditioning in our gym.
With the warm weather comes a flurry of activities and an imminent end to the school year. Below is all that is happening between now and the end of school.
- The MS/HS musical this year is Narnia and will be held March 14-16. There are still plenty of tickets left. Contact the school office for more information.
- Our annual Athletic Banquet is on Tuesday, May 19, at 5:45 p.m. at Shady Maple Banquet Facilities.
- On Wednesday, May 20 HS Academic Awards will be presented during chapel. Parents are invited to attend. Chapel is from 8:20 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
- On May 22, our band and IHL are traveling to Hershey Park to compete and perform at Music in the Park. Students will be gone from school all day.
- Final assessments are May 26-29
- Freshmen, sophomores, and juniors are expected to be in school all morning during end-of-the-year assessments.
- Students may leave with parent permission. Students who do not have a way home will stay for the day and will have a supervised study hall. A permission slip to leave early was emailed to students. See the link at the top of the page for the early dismissal permission slip.
- During assessment periods, seniors only need to be on campus when they have assessments. Seniors who are exempt from assessments or who do not have a scheduled assessment during an assessment period do not need to be on campus during that assessment. They do, however, need to sign in and out as they come and go for their assessments.
- Seniors may be exempt from a final assessment in a class in which they have a cumulative average of 95% or higher.
- Below is the Final Assessment Schedule:
HS Final Assessment Schedule 2015
Grades 9-12
May 26
Period 7 Final Assessment
Period 8 Final Assessment
May 27
Period 1 Final Assessment
Period 3 Final Assessment
May 28
Period 2 Final Assessment
Period 4 Final Assessment
May 29
Period 5 Final Assessment
Period 6 Final Assessment
- June Term is June 1-4
- Senior Trip is June 1-4
- Graduation is June 5, and it is a half day with an 11:30 a.m. dismissal.
As always, if you have any questions, please contact the school.
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