The MS and HS Blogs contain the same information, so you just need to read one if you have children in both MS and HS.
The students arrived yesterday with smiling faces and much enthusiasm. As I talked with teachers and students, I believe we had a great first day of school. This year we have 68 new students and 42 new families at CCS! We praise God for the opportunity to serve them and you, their parents.
You or your child may have questions about your child’s schedule. If your child is a high school student, you should contact Mr. Greenly. You may call him here at the school or email him at If your child is a middle school student or is taking an online course (MS or HS), you may call me at the school or email me at
By the third week of school, you should see some grades appearing on ParentsWeb in each of your child’s classes. Under lesson plans, you should be able to see what activities your child is doing in class as well as when he/she has homework, quizzes, tests, and projects due. I encourage you and your child to check ParentsWeb daily. If you do not yet have access, you can find instructions on how to set up ParentsWeb by going to, clicking on Resources, and then clicking on Current Families. There you will not only find information on how to set up ParentsWeb but also a lot of other useful information. If you have trouble accessing ParentsWeb, please contact our Director of Technology and Media, Ginnie Lodge, at, and she will assist you.
One of the keys to your child’s success is communication. With ParentsWeb we are trying to provide you with information that will enable you to work and communicate with your child for his/her success. However, if you have any questions or concerns about class, please contact your child’s teacher before contacting me. If after talking with the teacher you still have a concern, then contact me.
One bit of advice someone gave me in the past is that if I have a major concern about something, I should not email but instead should call or set up an appointment. Often, emotions or assumptions can be read into emails that were not intended by the one writing the email. With conversation, there is the opportunity to hear the tone of voice, see body language (if conferencing in person), ask questions, give feedback, and more quickly and easily resolve an issue.
We are now in our third year of all high school teachers using Google Classroom. This application offered by Google allows teachers to upload documents such as assignments, projects, and rubrics, as well as share with students other information and resources for the class. If your child has not shown you how Google Classroom works, he/she can take you to a class and show it to you. This feature may also give you the information needed when assisting your child with an assignment.
Many of our students are participating in sports, the fall drama, and worship team. Starting on Tuesday, September 26, we will be checking for eligibility for all participants. Students who have failing grades in any of their classes will be ineligible for a period of time. If you have a student in any of these extracurricular activities, you may want to remind him/her of this and together be checking ParentsWeb.
Over the next month, we have several events happening here at CCS. If you haven’t done so already, mark your calendars for these events:
August 30 -31 8th Grade Retreat
August 31 HS Trip to French Creek State Park
September 1 & 4 No School
September 20 Picture Day
September 21 NHS Retreat
October 11 11th Grade PSAT
October 20 Half-day of School
October 20 & 21 Annual Chicken Barbecue and Country Auction
October 25 Health and Vision Screening
Randy Hepler
MS/HS Principal
Conestoga Christian School
2760 Main Street
Morgantown, Pennsylvania 19543