Thursday, December 6, 2018

E-Cigarettes, Eligibility, & A Busy December

While this blog contains a significant amount of the same information as the MS blog, the MS blog contains some information specific to the middle school and this blog specific to HS.

Over the last five years, e-cigarettes (also known as vapes) have become more popular among adults as a safe alternative to cigarettes.  Companies which manufacture these electronic cigarettes have produced advertisements that proclaim them as safe. However, research is now showing that they can have significant health consequences for those who use them.

While the law in most states forbids the sale of this product to children under 18, more and more teens are getting access to them and using them, even some of our students here at CCS. What is even more disturbing is that cannabinoid oil is now available for use in these cigarettes.
While cannabinoid oil may (research is still being conducted) have beneficial medicinal purposes for various conditions, it has also been attributed to several deaths when abused for recreational and other purposes.

It is important that we as parents are educated about the dangers of the use of this product and then discuss this issue with our children. Below are several links to articles on e-cigarettes to help you educate your children.  One of the articles tells how several Marines under the influence of cannabinoid oil were killed.

Over the next several school days, Mr. Greenly will be visiting HS homerooms to discuss the dangers of e-cigarettes with students.

Report Cards
Yesterday report cards were distributed to all CCS students to take home. Please make sure you sign and return the envelope in which you received the report card. You do not need to return the report card.

Academic Eligibility
CCS’ Academic Eligibility Policy states that students must maintain a 65 or above in all of their classes to be eligible to participate in extracurricular activities (sports, drama, etc.). With the beginning of a new trimester, there are no or few grades for the first few weeks. As a result, we wait several weeks before we begin to check for eligibility. This trimester Mr. Yoder and Mrs. Stone will start checking for eligibility on December 14.

It is important that students understand that academics at CCS are a priority above extracurricular activities. Encourage your student to keep up with his/her work, completing it on time as well as preparing adequately for test and quizzes. Encourage your student to come prepared to class with what is necessary to learn well that day and to seek extra help when he/she does not understand.

A Busy December
Christmas is just around the corner, yet we have a busy two weeks before the break with many school activities which are highlighted below.

Cougar Classic
This Friday and Saturday, December 7 and 8, is our annual Cougar Classic where our varsity girls’ and boys’ basketball teams compete for the tournament championship. On Friday night the girls take on New Covenant Christian School at 7:00 p.m., and the boys take on New Covenant Christian School at 8:30 p.m. Come on out and support the Cougars.

Secret Santa
During the week of December 17-21, high school students will have the option of participating in Secret Santa. If you have questions about this, please contact Mr. Greenly.

Annual Christmas Concert
December 13 our school has its annual Christmas Concert. This year we are doing things a little differently. The elementary students will be performing their Christmas music from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Following the elementary program, there will be a half hour break, and then the MS and HS band and choirs will be performing from 8:00 to 9:00 p.m. Both of the programs will be performed at Brick Lane Community Church (formerly Community Evangelical Free Church) in Elverson. For more information visit the CCS website.

Last Day of School Before the Break
Friday morning, December 21, we will have an all-school Christmas chapel followed by a half day of school.

Reminder about Delayed Openings, School Closings, and Early Dismissal for Inclement Weather
Winter is upon us, and we have already had inclement weather that necessitated an early dismissal and delayed opening. You were informed of the school delay and closing by our automated RenWeb Parent Alert. Below is a reminder of how those procedures work. Hopefully, we won’t have to use them too often this winter.
When school is delayed, parents must also listen for an announcement of the plans of the school district of residence. If your public school district transports your child(ren), they will be transported to and from CCS on the public school district schedule. When your school district closes or delays school and CCS does not, if possible, please arrange for your child(ren) to be at school on the CCS schedule. If it is not possible to provide transportation, please call the school office to inform the school of your child’s absence. When CCS delays school and your district does not, do not send your child on the bus. Families will have to provide transportation for their children. As above, if it is not possible to provide transportation, please call the school office to inform the school of your child’s absence.
Please carefully monitor all of the above for accurate information as changes may occur throughout the morning.
Early Dismissals:
  1. If CCS decides to close early, and your district is on a normal schedule, students will be supervised until transportation arrives for them.
  2. If your district announces an early dismissal, student drivers in that district will be dismissed along with the bus riders.
  3. CCS will activate the automated Parent Alert system, and you will receive an email, text, and phone call.
  4. When there is a two-hour delay, classes begin at 10:10.