Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Parent Meet and Greet, Drama, Sports, Worship Team, and Academics

The latest HS and MS blogs contain the same information, so you need not read both.

On October 7 at 9:00 a.m. after an elementary chapel, Conestoga Christian’s Parent Teacher Fellowship (PTF) is hosting a parents’ meet and greet for all CCS parents grades Pre-K - 12. This is a chance to meet other CCS parents, socialize, and learn more about how you as parents may partner with the school. Refreshments will be provided.

As a school, Conestoga Christian’s primary responsibility is the education of our students. Our mission and vision statements emphasize the following:

Our Mission: Educating the whole student—BODY, MIND, and SPIRIT—for God.

Our Vision: CONESTOGA CHRISTIAN SCHOOL, in harmony with the home and church, provides a quality educational program for Preschool -12th-grade students
in an environment which develops critical thinking, nurtures Christ-like character, and equips students for a life of discipleship and service.

Each Tuesday after school I will be running a failing grades report for all of our students. Students who participate in extracurricular activities are required to keep up their grades to continue that participation. Any student who has a grade in any class that is below a 65 percent will be considered ineligible. What does this mean for student participation? Our student handbook states the following:

Athletes must be good competitors in all areas, including academics. All students must comply with the following eligibility requirements:

1. A team member must maintain passing grades in all subjects in order to participate in practices or games. On rare occasions, a student's LSP or SST action plan may include a provision modifying this requirement.

2. Within an academic trimester, a high school student whose cumulative work from the beginning of the trimester does not meet the requirement as of any Tuesday will be ineligible from the immediate following Wednesday through the following Tuesday.

Within an academic trimester, any middle school student whose cumulative work from the beginning of the trimester does not meet the requirement as of any Tuesday will be ineligible until the grade is brought up to a passing grade.

Eligibility reporting will begin the second Wednesday after the season begins. A season officially begins on the date of the first practice. Teachers of athletes will respond to the Athletic Director each week to indicate eligibility. If a student is ineligible more than twice during a sports season, that student will no longer be eligible to participate in the sport.

Musicals/Dramas: Eligibility checks for participation in a musical or drama occur weekly. From the first practice until mid-way through the practices (date to be determined by Director and Principal):  Any student with one or more failing grades may not participate in practice until the grade is brought up to a passing grade.  A student with failing grade(s) will be expected to participate in a mandatory study hall each Wednesday after school. During this study time, the student may seek help from teachers where needed. After the designated mid-way point:  Any student failing on that date who has had a failing grade two or more previous weeks will be ineligible to continue as a member of the cast.  A student with failing grade(s) who has not previously had a failing grade for more than one week will have two mandatory after-school study halls each week until the grade is brought up to a passing grade. If a student fails a subject for a trimester, that student is disqualified from participation.

IHL and Worship Team Students participating in IHL and/or worship team must maintain passing grades in all subjects. (On rare occasions, a student's LSP or SST action plan may include a provision modifying this requirement.) Failure to maintain these passing grades at the end of a trimester may result in removal from IHL or worship team for the next trimester. Reinstatement may occur if passing grades are earned at the end of the trimester.

As parents, you can stay on top of your child’s academic performance through ParentsWeb. If you have not done so already, simply click here to get instructions on how to sign up for access to your child’s grades as well as lesson plans in all of his/her classes.

Last week, our high school English teacher, Shannon Bernard, received the following email from one of our students who recently graduated from Conestoga Christian:

Thank you so much, even though I was a terrible student. These kids in college are terrible at writing  . . . . THANK YOU SOOO MUCH MRS. BERNARD!!!!!! YOU ROCK!

Praise God how he is using Conestoga Christian to prepare students for the next stage of life which God has for them.

Below are some important dates to remember:
October 7         Parent Meet and Greet
October 15        PSAT/Powder Puff Game
October 21        CCS Chicken Barbecue
October 22        CCS Country Auction

October 31        Picture Re-Takes

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